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The missing TEDx Talk
I may have given a TEDx Talk last weekend, and it might never see the light of day...Although we CAN fix that.Thanks for all your support in making this show! To suppo...

My Dad Tries Mystery Grocery Store Cheese
In this long-overdue episode, my dad has to try mystery cheese from the grocery store because no one has the missing cheeses from my list (and the rest are closed). It...

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Sunshine on Cooper is definitely high on this list, but in this episode I talk about a handful of practical things I've been doing to affect my mood, improve my days, ...

Despite Being Great, The Last Two Weeks Have Sucked
They can't all be highs, but what do you do when your best weeks somehow feel like the worst? I hit some real walls this last month, especially in the last couple of w...

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Mark Shrime
I've known Mark Shrime for almost 13 years. He's a surgeon, author, and American Ninja Warrior. Grab a copy of his book here: And enjoy our con...